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For your support as we market, build our platform and subscribe venues to use the Light-Life Application. Funds will be used to ramp up outreach to businesses, fast track development and launch deployment. Please support us and your community businesses as we aim to provide an enhanced customer service experience and opportunities for economic development. The Light-Life Application is Free to all Users. Sign Up Today

We Accept Bitcoins For Donations

For your donation we will provide: VIP Tickets to one of our launch parties, complimentary drinks, first access; special/exclusive discounts on purchases and gear. Corporate Gifts will be sent to you at the before and/or after launch night.

$10 or More: 
Light-Life water bottle (BPA free)
Light-Life LED pen
First Access to launch party
Promotional discounts
Complimentary drinks at launch party(Max 1.)

$25 or More: 
Light-Life water bottle (BPA free)
Cell Phone Power Bank
Promotional Discounts
First access to launch party
Complimentary drinks at launch party(Max 1.)

$50 or More:
Light-Life water bottle (BPA free)
Light-Life T-shirt
Cell Phone Power Bank
Promotional discounts
First access to launch party
Complimentary drinks at launch party(Max 2.)

$100 or More: 
Light-Life water bottle (BPA free)
Light-Life T-shirt
Cell Phone Power Bank
Promotional discounts
First access to launch party
Complimentary drinks at launch party(Max 4.)
Exclusive Company Discounts

$500 or More:
Light-Life water bottle (BPA free)
Light-Life T-shirt
Cell Phone Power Bank
Promotional Discounts
First access to launch party
2 VIP Tickets  to launch party
Complimentary drinks at launch party(Max 6.)
Exclusive Company Discounts

We Accept Bitcoins For Donations

The Light-Life Mobile Platform Is a Patented Mobile System

Blue Nova Technology, LLC – Promotions